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Nokia 7710 Smartphone Information

Nokia  7710

The Nokia 7710 represents the first handset to be released by Nokia that uses the Series 90 platform (powered by Symbian OS v7.0s). This honour was intended for the Nokia 7700, which Nokia decided not to release. The new Nokia 7710 was launched in November 2004

With a colour touchscreen and handwriting recognition, this is a fully-featured tri-band phone with megapixel digital camera ,
FM radio (plus support for Nokia's Visual Radio), stereo MP3 player, Email, MMS, Bluetooth, handsfree mode, plus Word and Sheet applications.

Screen: Colour touchscreen 640 x320 pixels

Weight: 189 g
Dimensions: 128 x 69.5 x 19mm
Memory: Up to 90Meg, plus 128MB MMC memory card

Availability: Became available in April 2005, and now discontinued. Know a supplier?

Discuss the 7710 in our Series 90 forum

The Series 90 screen
The Series 90 user interface

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Other links

  • AllAboutSymbian - Great for general information on Symbian devices
  • MySymbian - Site with details of the Nokia smartphone range

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